Does this sound like you?
You are driven.
You are powerful.
You have a bias for action.
And a track record of success.
Yet, you crave something more…
You are in the right place.
What is an Elite Performer?
In my personal worldview, we’re all equal at the level of Human Being. At the time of this writing, my wife and I are proud parents of a 2-year-old daughter with another kid on the way, and my value for both of those little beings is exactly the same: priceless. One day all-too-soon, those kids will be adults. And even if one makes a million bucks a year more than the other kid, their value to me, as their dad, is infinite. Without question.
“Performance” is a general term across domains — like “Talent,” “Gift,” or even “Achievement” — which I define as: the value a person is able to extract from their account of infinite potential on the inside, put into some service or product or contribution, to impact and influence the world around them.
I believe this system of realizing untapped potential is how we ultimately judge ourselves and others around us as successful, or not. Ask yourself, “Did I make a net-positive impact on the world around me today, even in the smallest way… or not?”
Now, I’ve never heard God speak to me, that I know of. But when I ask myself that question, “Did I make a positive impact today?” in a private, nearly prayer-like way at the end of the day, I get an answer every time. And the answer doesn’t lie. Some part of me is keeping tabs on that scorecard of impact — and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t have that same scorecard. And it drives us nuts (literally) when we have a sense that we are losing on that scorecard.
Therefore, an “Elite” Performer would be a person who is among the best in the world at bringing value, positive impact, to the world around them. Often in more than one domain, e.g.: a pro athlete and outstanding humanitarian; a great mom and small business owner; a wonderful husband and gourmet cook; captain of the team with a 4.0+ GPA.
An Elite Performer (EP) isn’t more intrinsically valuable as a human being than anyone else in history; but he/she has likely figured out how to bring massive value to those around them in at least a couple different domains, because they don’t like who they are/how they feel when they don’t do that. Their human capital is infinite, just like everyone else. And their market value is a growing number, or could be translated to such metrics, in the markets in which they operate, because they are bringing value to other people.