I help extraordinary people achieve impossible goals.

My Super-Successful, “Official” Bio says…

I’ve coached Elite Performers to the highest levels of success… NHL, Team USA, Team Canada… pound for pound some of the most talented people and players on the planet.

I’ve coached hundreds of coaches, thousands of elite athletes, and tens of thousands of non-elite athletes young and old to success and greater joy, on their own terms.

I’m an Elite Performer, too: I’ve won National Championships as a scholar-athlete, and as a highly sought after hockey coach.

I’ve also helped hundreds of entrepreneurs, executives, and a few dozen businesses move from good to great, and from great to outstanding.

I can help take you to places you’ve only dreamt of.

These are the facts of my life.

But… this is not my whole resume…

It’s just the one one I want you to see.

Now Here’s the “Unofficial” Bio I Wish I Could Keep Secret…

I know what it’s like to be extremely successful at something… and to know deep down… this is the wrong thing for me to be doing with my life.

I know what it’s like to walk away from people and places that simply don’t serve me anymore, no matter how hard I try to serve them… and it’s not just ok, it’s completely normal and healthy.

I know the darkest feelings of loneliness and heartache, that no human should ever have to feel.

I’ve been a Div. I National Champion with a 4.0 GPA, and secretly felt like the biggest imposter alive… which I was shocked to find was even more lonely.

I know what it’s like to change so much you don’t even recognize yourself in the mirror anymore.

I know this in both the “living a life of quiet desperation” kind of way…

And I know this in the “living a life of quiet redemption” kind of way.

The Truth is… I’ve been through hell.

Key word is… through.

Through the gifts of grace, mentorship, key people encouraging me at key moments in my life…

I am FULLY ALIVE today.

When I was at my darkest, I had nowhere else left to turn…

So I turned inside, and finally, I faced myself.

I kept moving, investigating, working.

I found where I was in unconscious slavery to a mindset that seemed to be trying to help me…

But it was actually hurting me and hurting others around me, without me really even realizing it.

Ego. I had a massive one!

Yet somehow, as I competitively compared myself with everything, I found I always ended up on the short end of the comparison.

I was miserable… and it was getting worse.

So I leaned in…

I kept asking myself the hard questions…

Who am I? Who do I want to be? Where have I been getting in the way of that? Why am I here on this planet, and what do I want to create with my life while I’m here?

I got hard answers I knew were true, from some wise, previously hidden place inside…

It was excruciating. It was exhilarating.

Success was an inside job all along.

The truth finally set me free.

I was not what I could be… and I knew it.

For some reason, I actually felt relief when I finally figured that out.

There is no such thing as “perfect”… chasing it only produced more feelings of failure.

But there was such a thing as progress.

Even if I didn’t think I necessarily “deserved” to be successful, I was in agony from not pursuing what I felt was my life mission.

So what if I finally gave myself permission to shoot my shot?

What if I decided, each day, that I would make some tiny little step of progress toward my vision of the future where I was making use of my gifts and leaving some tiny contribution to this planet?

Turns out (thank God) that success was never about deserving it, anyway.

Success is about taking the action toward a goal, whatever the feelings may be.

As you move toward that goal… those feelings change.

As you move toward that goal… those beliefs change.

As you move toward that goal… you change.

The answers to your life’s questions will come.

When you completely give yourself to the Next Right Thing on the journey… the whole world will open up to you.

Intrigued? If so, I would love to connect on a call with you.

But I’m not for everyone.

If you like to have your thinking challenged (I know I do)…

If you’re willing to accept help to get a new result…

If you know how to achieve success already, but are having trouble with the OTHER SIDE of success…

  1. Schedule a call now (for free).

  2. Have a fun, life-changing conversation with me.

  3. Become the powerful, fulfilled leader in your life that you could be.